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Frost ORM

The coolest ORM for Firebase realtime database

Easy to Use

Frost was designed on top of Firebase database to simplify creating documents and relations between them.
Frost Will handle all the implantation of the code required to do the basic CRUD operations and provide more advanced operations.

Code Generation

Frost has a schema language that is used to define the data models and their relations to generate the code incase if you don't want to use annotations.
This will maximize compatibility with different versions of JS.

Focus on What Matters

Frost allows to utilize either decorators or codegen to define all the relations easily.
Frost lets you focus on object shapes and relations between them.
Let Frost Handle the rest


Frost utilizes ReactiveX to handle all realtime related functionality. This allows the user to extend on its functionality and use the many different operations to modify the experience as they desire.

Next Steps

Performance & Functionality

Frost will keep improving the algorithms to maximize the performance. Also, it will provide more database operations to reduce boilerplate.

Cover All Frameworks

Frost will expand its implementation and provide packages for all the important frameworks that use FirebaseDB. Also, Using the Frost schema language, the user will only define the schema once and Frost will generate the code for the different frameworks.