Detailed Data Types
The portion of the schema bellow we'll be used to explain the Data types.
model Student {
name string
year SchoolYear
birthday Date?
email string?
courses Course[] @Relation()
club Club @Relation()
enum SchoolYear {
model Course {
students Student[] @Relation()
model Club {
members Student[] @Relation()
Generated Types
- All Types and Enums defined in the schema will be generated with the same names.
- A variety of types will be generated for each model, as described below:
"Basic Model" Type
This Type describes the base node shape without any "properties from connected relation" or node metadata. It extends FrostObject
type Student = FrostObject & {
name: string;
year: SchoolYear;
birthday?: Date;
email?: string;
FrostMetadata Related Types
"Model FrostMetadata" Type
This Type describes the shape of the frost metadata in the node for the specific model.
// This Model Has no one-to-one relations
type StudentFrostMetadata = {
__frost__: {
'one_to_many': {
club?: OneToManyMetadata | null;
'many_to_many': {
courses?: ManyToManyMetadata | null;
"Model With FrostMetadata" Type
This Type is the combination of the Base Model and the Model Metadata types. and it actually describes the true shape of the node in the database, since all nodes will have the metadata inside it
type StudentWithMetadata = Student & Partial<StudentFrostMetadata>;
Include Related Types
"Each Include of The Model" Types
An Include type is generated for each relation in the model, this type represents the property inside the object when a certain relation is included.
The type will be a Record
in case of many and single instance incase of one.
type StudentIncludeCourse = {
courses?: Record<string, CourseWithMetadata>;
type StudentIncludeClub = {
club?: ClubWithMetadata;
"IncludeAll" Types
This Type is the combination of All the generated include types from the previous section.
type StudentIncludeAll = StudentIncludeCourse & StudentIncludeClub;
"FullModel" Type
This Type is the combination of The ModelWithMetada & IncludeAll. and it describes the returned data when all relations are included
type StudentFullModel = StudentWithMetadata & StudentIncludeAll;
Properties Keys Related Types
Base Properties
This type describes the properties names without relations (ie; the properties of the base model)
type StudentPropertiesKeys = "name" | "year" | "birthday" | "email" | "courses" | "club";
Properties With Relations
These types describe the properties names with relations.
// This Model Has no one-to-one relations
//type StudentOneToOneRelationsFieldsKeys = ...; if the model has one to one
type StudentManyToManyRelationsFieldsKeys = "courses";
type StudentOneToManyRelationsMasterFieldsKeys = "club";
type StudentOneToManyRelationsSalveFieldsKeys = never;
type StudentOneToManyRelationsFieldsKeys = "club";
type StudentRelationsFieldsKeys = StudentManyToManyRelationsFieldsKeys | StudentOneToManyRelationsFieldsKeys;
type StudentRelationsFieldsKeysByType = {
// one_to_one: ...; if the model has one to one
many_to_many: StudentManyToManyRelationsFieldsKeys;
one_to_many: StudentOneToManyRelationsFieldsKeys;
one_to_many_master_fields: StudentOneToManyRelationsMasterFieldsKeys;
one_to_many_slave_fields: StudentOneToManyRelationsSalveFieldsKeys;
Auto Mapped Types
IncludeOptions Type
This Type determine the shape of the include options map to be passed to fetching and querying functions in FrostDelegate (findOne,observeOne,findMultiple,observeMultiple,findMany,observeMany)
type StudentIncludeOptions = IncludeOptions<StudentRelationsFieldsKeys>;
ConnectOptions/DisconnectOptions Type
These Types determine the shape of the connect map to be passed to editing functions in FrostDelegate (add,update,delete)
type StudentConnectOptions = ConnectOptions<StudentRelationsFieldsKeysByType>;
type StudentDisconnectOptions = DisconnectOptions<StudentRelationsFieldsKeysByType>;
- This Type is Returned from all the Fetching & querying functions in FrostDelegate. Hence the name, FetchReturnType.
- This Type Determines the final shape of returned data depending on the IncludeOptions passed to the fetch function.
The fetch and query functions don't directly return the FetchReturnType. But they return a type that includes it.
For example: incase of a findMany or findMultiple the return type would be Promise< Record<string,FetchReturnType> >
Indexed Access Types
For Each model, The main types are grouped in one type. This allows the user to use index access([]
) on the grouped type.
type StudentTypes = {
FullModel: StudentFullModel;
Model: Student;
ModelWithMetadata: StudentWithMetadata;
IncludeAll: StudentIncludeAll;
RelationsFieldsKeys: StudentRelationsFieldsKeys;
RelationsFieldsKeysByType: StudentRelationsFieldsKeysByType;
PropertiesKeys: StudentPropertiesKeys;
FrostMetadata: StudentFrostMetadata;
ConnectOptions: StudentConnectOptions;
DisconnectOptions: StudentDisconnectOptions;
IncludeOptions: StudentIncludeOptions;
// For example: To access StudentIncludeAll